East Africa


Galana supplies and trades oil products across East Africa and parts of Central Africa through its operations in Kenya, Uganda, and Tanzania.


Since 2012, GPL has been trading oil products in Kenya through its local affiliate “Kencor”. Kencor’s main lines of business include:

  • OTS Tender: Kencor participates in the Open Tender System (OTS) tenders organized and supervised by the Ministry of Energy and Petroleum to procure for the country’s monthly oil requirements. Since its establishment, Kencor has regularly been winning OTS tenders. For example, in May 2014, Kencor won 6 cargoes : 340,000MT and supplied 57% of Kenya’s oil needs.
  • Local Trading: Kencor resells trades oil products procured from the OTS Tender to a large number of local buyers and distribution networks across Kenya.
  • Inland Transit Business: Galana has participated in the pipeline fill and has developed a cash and carry business through which the company is channeling products to hinterland neighboring countries, such as Rwanda, Uganda, and South Sudan.

Note: GPL’s shareholders and the Kenyan affiliate Kencor are not related to “Galana Kenya” a separate oil marketing and distribution company based in Kenya.

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  • Group Profile

    Established in 1991, Galana is a privately-owned group of companies specialising in Trading, Shipping, Terminal Storage and distribution of refined petroleum products in East and Southern Africa, as well as the Indian Ocean Islands.  Read More
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